I believe in the possibilities that are within you.
For some of us, the path to a life that’s aligned with our authentic self can be a bit meandering, shall we say.
Some of us need to cover more ground to find our true north. In our relationships. In our careers. And at our core.
Trust me, I know.

L-R: Footloose and fancy free in mi querida Espana. The hills are alive…family time in the Kachkar Mountains of Turkey.
I understand this spirit of wandering and wondering.
That’s what drove me to move to Spain and stay for 8 years, teaching English and living la movida Madrileña (among other escapades).
It’s what took me to Africa, Asia, and the Americas, designing and leading training and capacity building programs for Peace Corps volunteers, diplomats, first responders, educators, teams, and creatives at a host of government agencies, international NGOs, and corporations around the world.
It’s how I ended up with a Masters in Anthropology, and a bi-cultural family. (It helps that my husband is Turkish ;-))
I create experiences that cultivate meaningful growth and change in individuals, teams, and organizations.
As trainer, facilitator, speaker, and ICF-credentialed, certified professional coach I’ve had the privilege to work with senior executives, emerging leaders, seasoned managers, and high potential team members at Google, Starbucks, the United Nations, the U.S. Department of State, and other impact-driven organizations around the globe.
I know the journey to your future starts now.
When you decide to work with me, you will open up a world of possibilities – to communicate better, frame challenges as opportunities, develop a more agile mindset, harness diversity, boost business acumen, and innovate for success.
Are you ready to launch?

L-R: An exquisite portal. Tea in the Sahara.
Often our best creative solutions emerge when we simply stay loose and play. That’s exactly how I made my logo, piecing together swatches from a color mixing exercise into the image of a hot air balloon. What started out as simple art activity brought new perspective to how I see my work. I create environments for learning, exploration, and discovery for individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide.
Let your possibilities take flight.